Chapter Leaders’ Roundtable Discussion
Chapter Leader 1 (00:01): We have two children. Our oldest Ruth identifies as non-binary, and the younger one, Jacob identifies very much as a boy. And I read the moral compass and I was sold instantly. Everything in the moral compass really spoke to me and it spoke to our family. The idea of inclusivity […]
10 year Anniversary
This week marks 10 years of Chapter 33, St. Louis, holding our first meeting! We started with the kids being 2.5 years old knowing that they would have a scouting program in place as they got older. In these pictures my son Eddie, in the green shirt, is working on his Senior Shadow requirement. West, […]
Dare to Be Different
Dare to be different. (Our Navigator junior leaders in the sea of Boy Scouts we attended an overnight event with at the Space Center in Houston.)
Chapter 295 Denver
Our Navigator Secular Scouts Chapter 295 attended Scout Science Day at the Denver Zoo yesterday. Of the dozens of troops there, the staff was singularly impressed with our scouts’ knowledge of evolutionary biology.