What are Some Secular Alternatives to The Boy Scouts?

Alternative Scouting

As the Boy Scouts of America add religious requirements to many merit badges and local Troops emphasize the importance of a religious faith to be a good citizen, many parents are looking for a secular alternative. Atheists, agnostics and other “nones” (people who don’t affiliate with a faith) believe that nature can provide the lessons needed to become a healthy, productive citizen.

In response to the BSA’s past discriminatory policies, a few all-inclusive organizations have been around for years. These organizations provide a safe and welcoming space for everyone.

Secular Alternatives to the Boy Scouts

Navigators USA

Navigators USA was created in 2003 as an all-inclusive scouting group for the overall development of an individual. The Navigators USA Moral Compass promises to create a world free of prejudice and ignorance by treating people of every race, creed, lifestyle, and ability with dignity and respect. It also promises to strengthen one’s body and mind to reach their full potential, protect our planet and preserve our freedom.

Since its formation, Navigators USA has grown steadily across the country, having started over 350 Chapters as of 2023. Literally anyone at any age can be a Navigator as long as they try to live by the Moral Compass, but to be practical the curriculum is divided into three groups, Stargazers – ages 5 to 7, Junior Navigators – 7 to 11 and Senior Navigators – 11 to Whenever!

Navigators USA is a Membership Service Association which means that the national leadership provides support to the Chapters but has no authority over the Chapters. This gives parents the ability to design the program to meet their needs. It also creates new models organically from the bottom up. They offer an all-inclusive scouting program that welcomes:


Campfire was created in 1910 with the belief that every individual is worthy and that human barriers should be eliminated.

Their programs help to reduce sexual, racial, and cultural stereotypes and to encourage positive relationships between different cultures. Camp Fire is a place for everyone.

Spiral Scouts

Spiral Scouts was founded in 1999 with the mission to instill values of respect, kindness, and mindfulness in all members. As a spiral scout, you must respect all living things; be kind and courteous; be honourable; be mindful of your words.

Spiral Scouts seek knowledge in all forms; recognize the beauty in all creation; offer assistance to others; value honesty and truth; honor personal commitments; and respect the Divine.


The Baden-Powell Service Association, founded in 2006, is committed to providing an alternative and community-oriented scouting experience open to everyone, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or other differentiating factors. Our mission is to provide a positive learning environment within the context of democratic participation and social justice. We foster the development of scouts in an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation.

Navigators USA, an alternative scouting program, helps to provide equal opportunity for all individuals to reach their maximum potential without considering any bias. Its goal is to create an environment free of prejudice and ignorance, and to treat every person with the same respect, regardless of race, religious beliefs, gender, or abilities. To know more visit our website!